The last time I wrote a "what's on the reading pile" post was for my blog's previous incarnation.... at least 3 or 4 years ago! Time to write up what's on the pile today. At the top of the list are books I'm currently reading, below are books "on the pile" meaning that I plan to read them just as soon as I can! I really need someone to read books to me while I knit... just until I get good enough at knitting to do both at the same time (shyeah right).
You'll notice some of these I mention I have the ebook version. I'd really rather have hard copy but... funds are limited and often ebooks are cheaper. Not to mention SPACE in my house is limited and I AM still getting hardcopy books and I'm not sure I have room to fit them on my shelves! lol (on a side note, many of my ebooks can be read to me by my kindle, which I haven't tried extensively yet but it may allow me to multitask lol)
Books with bookmarks in them:
Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth: Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer
by Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer
My coven has been reading this for a while now, it's something of a coven project. :)
Descent of Inanna
by Edward VanDerJagt
Picked this up at Lammas Fest from the author, who is husband to a friend of mine. I've read parts of it so far, I think I'm going to stop and read both of these Inanna books at the same time... more like side by side study. Ed's book is written with a modern "voice" to make the story more accessible, with annotations to explain some of the historical context. One difference I've hit so far is that Ninshubur is male in his text, where in every other translation I've read, she is female. This is a bit of a roadblock for me, as Ninshubur's gender is integral to the story for me. So we'll see how this progresses.
Iron Kissed
by Patricia Briggs
Briggs was author guest of honor at Demicon a few years ago, and I won a volunteer prize that was a back patch of the design on the main character's shirt on the cover of this book. Naturally, that meant that I really needed to read at least one of the Mercy Thompson books. ;) I'm now on the 3rd in the series. I'm slow because I don't read as often as I'd like but I do love these stories... Mercy being a part native american coyote-shape shifting auto mechanic with a knack for getting herself into various supernatural tight spots. Fun reads.
Apocalyptic Witchcraft
by Peter Grey
Not sure how far into this one I am... a third of the way maybe. It's hard to tell with ebooks. Unfortunately now the only way to get it is hard copy... the UK passed some law that does not allow UK publishers to sell ebooks for some reason... I got two books from the publisher before the law happened. Anyway, it's a tough read as the author uses lots of big words that I have to look up and speaks in a way that takes getting used to. I usually have to back up a few pages each time I pick it up just to get used to reading it. Otherwise though, it's an interesting read.
Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art
by Diane Stein
I have my first attunement in this lineage, and my reiki master and covenmate of course assigned us this book to read. I have this in hard copy somewhere but I can't find it, so I had to buy the kindle version which was annoying... but at least I have it.
On Becoming a Counselor
by Eugene Kennedy and Sara C. Charles, M.D.
I've read a few chapters of this, so far very interesting and useful. It might take me a while to finish, as I only have so much patience for "textbook" reading.
The Crooked Path Magazine
edited by Peter Paddon
I happened on Paddon's work when I was doing some searches on the interwebs. I was disappointed to learn that he is passed on, and won't be able to write anymore. :( Anyway, I picked up all his books via kindle ebook, most of the issues of this magazine via kindle and one hard copy. There's only 3 more issues I don't have, that I can only get in hard copy unless they offer them as kindle versions in the future. I've read a few articles out of a few issues but sometime I will sit and read through the whole things.
Books on the "TO READ" stack...
I have to admit there are way more books on the reading pile than I'm going to list here. I'm only listing books I actually possess! My to-read list is much much longer... I just don't have most of them in my possession... mainly due to many of the books being out-of-print and expensive to purchase. Since my in-house pile is large enough, I will wait to inter-library loan the ones I don't own. lol
The Red Goddess
by Peter Grey
As soon as I finish Apocalyptic Witchcraft by the same author, I will start this one. I have this as ebook, but because of the new UK law, you can't get ebook version anymore.
Discount Armageddon
by Seanan Mcguire
When I'm done reading Iron Kissed, I'll start this book. My hubby has been reading them and likes them a great deal, and his description makes me think I will too. I'd like to keep reading Mercy books but I don't own any more and hubby has 3 of these in house. :)
A Grimoire for Modern Cunningfolk
by Peter Paddon
When I finish reading the Crooked Path magazines I have, I'll start reading the books by Peter Paddon, starting with this one.
Letters from the Devil's Forest
by Robin Artisson
I'm not sure I can wait too long to read this. I might start it soon. lol
I bought the ebook kindle version as it was cheaper, only to discover after it downloaded that I lost my kindle charger, so had to order a replacement charger so that I can read the darned book. lol... pretty sure the charger will turn up soon as I get the new one... house-wights playing a trick on me. ha.
A Dreaming for the Witches
by Stephen J. Yeates
I regularly read a
blog by Steven Posch and whenever he recommends a book I add it to my "get it" list. This title intrigued me so I got it, but it's not a high priority read right now.
A Deed Without a Name: Unearthing the Legacy of Traditional Witchcraft
by Lee Morgan
Another not high priority to read but it also looks shorter than some of my other ebooks so who knows... might read it sooner.
Lore of the Vanir
by C. Nico
Last year I read a book called
Witchdom of the True: A Study of the Vana-Troth and the Practice of Seidr by Edred Thorsson and was intrigued by his thesis and re-interested in the Vanir. I had briefly toyed with the idea of exploring the Heathen path or Asatru based on the portion of german ancestral heritage, but I wasn't really keen on Odin or really the current folk in Asatru. But, after reading that book, I AM more interested in the Vanir. This ebook had some good reviews.
Traditional Witchcraft for Fields and Hedgerows
by Melusine Draco
This author and book were on some recommended reading lists for Trad Witchcraft, and the ebook price made it affordable, so I picked it up. I'll get around to it in my copious free time. LOL