Tuesday, June 23, 2015

PSG 2015

I just realized this is my 100th post. I guess it's good that it is about Pagan Spirit Gathering. :)

So, my vacation started sucky. It had rained just before we got up to pack for PSG.  So I stepped out on the porch steps to move my car and slipped and fell. I at least sprained my ankle pretty bad. It was painful to walk on and swelled almost instantly. What a bad omen! I refused to go to the doctor though. We couldn't afford another bunch of medical bills after last years PSG broken wrist.

So we packed up (we meaning my hubby did most of the work) and drove out anyway. When we arrived we asked the son of one of my covenmates to help us unload and set up, as I was not in any shape to do anything but supervise. 

Pretty much all I could do was hang out under our EZ-ups and sit. I had a cane that was just enough to get me to the porta-potty or to bed. This sucked.

Then it rained. And rained. In fact, it flash flooded on monday, it rained so bad. People had to be emergency evacuated from some campsites. My husband went out to help as we had some friends in the flood zone. On tuesday morning at the morning meeting, they announced they were canceling PSG and evacuating all of us. I cannot tell you the heartbreak this caused.

On tuesday evening, we decided to get together and have a big potluck, as we had so much food intended for potlucks and eating during the week and it might all go to waste otherwise.

One of the things I love about my coven is all the kids. Kevin has plenty of friends among our tribe, and these kids are a joy. I love them all! Though I have to be honest and admit that with my bum ankle, I was a little overwhelmed by all of their chatter in my little camp kitchen, but Melanie rescued me and shooed them out. lol

Wednesday morning we packed our vehicles and left. I overdid it of course because I felt bad that hubby had to take on the brunt of the work, but I did what I could to help. It was a mess. The mud tried to suck shoes off. I would have worn my rain boots but my foot and ankle were too swollen.  It was a sad, sad day, that 900 people left and went home, broken and depressed. Several people lost considerably... cars, tents, clothes, vendors lost some merchandise.

Most of my coven and some other friends went back to Many Hands House to recover. I went home to prop up my ankle, though on friday night I went out to hang with my friends and try to celebrate the summer solstice. It was hard though, we were all still depressed.

Blessed Litha to you.