This weekend is the local Rock and Gem club's fall rock show. We always go, and tomorrow the kid, hubby and I will go together. However, today the kid was at grandma's and the hubby in bed since he works 3rd shift and I thought... it would sure be nice to be able to go look at everything without anyone telling me to hurry up or come give me a dollar for this...
So, I went on my own. :)
Not a lot of money to spend on shiny stuff right now, the kid's birthday is coming up. But I did buy a couple little quartz crystals.
A milky white double terminated quartz wearing a baby on it's back. Seemed very mothery to me. Not sure if it's meant to stay with me or become a gift someday. We'll see.
The clearer quartz is a Scepter Quartz. I had never heard of these but basically there is a smaller older quartz that stopped growing and a larger second generation quartz grew over it. When I picked this one up I knew it was mine.
I do like to read the crystal meanings and healing uses though sometimes they come off a bit too new-agey for me! Looking up Scepter Quartz was no exception.
From Crystals, Rocks and Gems site:
"Scepter Quartz, these
crystals were used in Atlantis and Lemuria in healing ceremonies and
were a symbol of the power of there realm;
those who carried a scepter crystal were in a position of "high
priest/priestess". ... It is an excellent configuration for
transmission of
directional energy.
Scepter Crystal is considered a naturally formed crystal that
belongs to the quartz family. These crystals can have a unique clarity
that almost looks like water. The crystal actually looks like a
ruler's scepter; a rod at the base with a crown-like configuration on
the top. The clearer the point on the scepter the stronger it's
ability as a healing tool. This crystal has an excellent configuration
for the transmission of directional energy.
The crystal is used in many ways. It can be utilized as an aura wand
to cleanse and clear auric energy. It is believed to have a
relationship with the etheric layer of the aura, where restructuring
of our physical, mental and emotional bodies can become unbalanced. It
is used to bring the spirituality of the Universe into the healing
arena for positive applications. This crystal, although it can work on
balancing all the Chakra, it has a special affinity to the heart and
heart Chakra. Hold the crystal heart level with the point facing the
heart. This brings to the heart the benefits of all it has to offer.
Often said to connect the human plane with the spiritual plane due to
its power and its clarity. It allows us to see what really matters in
our lives. Because of the phallic point, it is believed to harness'
the energies of quartz as a tool to enhance fertility.
Scepters act as a purifier and tunes into the frequency of each
individual. Will unblock specific areas or organs blocked from transmitting
or receiving the flow of energy throughout the body. Helpful in guiding our
search for the meaning and importance of existence. Aids in meditation. Can
be used in conjunction with any other stone or gem for specific physical
problems. It will amplify the effects of individual stones and attune the
treatment to the energy of an individual person."
A little new-agey for me, especially the bit about Atlantis. But I do look forward to working with this crystal, and getting to know it.
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