Monday, September 14, 2015

Call of the Horned God (song)

In July my coven (Prärie Hexen aka Praxen) attended Grand Sabbat in Wisconsin, hosted by Steven Posch. Covenmate Alana also covens with Steven, and she requested that she and I create a women's procession to bring Steven and the Horned God to ritual space to prepare Him for ritual later that evening.

Alana and I are both belly dancers, and were inspired by the North African Tuareg tribe's trance dance called the guedra. Our song is NOT a guedra, we were simply inspired by the cadence, call/response format and that it is a women's ritual. We created our own song and, hopefully tradition.

We women gathered around Steven, and processed with baskets of flowers, ritual preparations like paint, offerings and decorations to ritual space. A few women drummed and the rest of us clapped as I sang the call part, and the rest of the women sang the response.  The song is not intended to be like normal singing, but called loudly and with celebration. (we had to be heard over the sounds of walking and other sabbat campers so they knew the procession was happening!)

Steven asked us to record our song so he could share it and others could use it in sabbats around the world! We hope you enjoy. :)