Friday, July 3, 2015

receiving hands

I'm still not quite recovered from the sadness of the canceled PSG.

I've been with friends a few times to hang out around the fire, and had fun. But it's not quite the same as PSG.

I have two more pagan events to go to this month, so hopefully that will heal my heart.

My ankle is doing a little better. In a week I will need to work for about 5 days, and I've been hard-core staying off my foot to let it heal as much as possible to be able to do that job.

This picture is of some hands that I made many years ago. Someone in my coven was pretty hard hit in the money department after PSG, and asked about money magick.  I use these hands in almost all my spells in which I'm doing a working to receive something.

If you'd like to make your own, you need to go to a craft store and buy a kit for making a mold for plaster. The kit usually has a picture on it of a baby's foot or hand, as usually the kit is used to memorialize baby feet or something. The bucket needs to be big enough for your own hands. You mix up the gel first, then put your hands together the way you want them to be finished. When the gel sets, you need a friend to pull the bucket off, carefully sliding your hands out. Then you pour the plaster into the mold and let that set. When you are done, you have a perfect set of your own hands like this.

Enjoy :)

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