Sunday, February 19, 2012

44 Days of Witchery - Day 18

44 Days of Witchery - Day 18: have you had any paranormal experiences?

This makes me laugh. :) Of course I have! Daily.

But it's all little things that have very little importance to anyone but me. Knowing the phone is about to ring, or who it is calling before I look at the caller ID. Knowing the cash register at work is about to pop a code right before it does (there is no outward sign that could tell me it is about to). Lots of little things.

The photo is from my bachelorette party, where all my friends hennaed my hands and feet. My friend "S" that is feeding me a bite, her husband had recently died. He was an awesome man, friends with my husband, who really looked up to this man. Had he been alive, and allowed to come, he'd have preferred to hang out at my fun party instead of going to my husband's bachelor party. "S" and I like to think he was there after all. You see, this photo was taken with a digital and is part of a short series of photos. The one before and after show no hazy spot like this one does. The gal who was taking the photos knew what she was doing, and did not get fingers in the way. We reviewed these pictures right after they were taken, and "S" and I both had one of those "frissons" of knowing that her hubby had been there celebrating with us.

And of course there is the story of using the ouija board with  my mom... NOT with a group of tweens....

...or when I was 7 and found a book at a used book sale and recognized it as my own, from another life.... and bought it with my own pocket change so I could have it again, even though it was well above my reading level.... And bunches of other things...

But if you are looking for really huge, significant paranormal stuff, I don't have any. :)

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